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Stool Pigeons

Dec 18, 2017

This week, just in time for the holidays, we bring you a list of the perfect gifts for the Pidgey who has everything. From Squatty Potty to Poo-Pourri, and everything in between, we have you covered for the best gifts for that person in your life who spends a little too much time "waiting for Santa".



Dec 4, 2017

What were bathrooms like in olden times? Where did the poo go? The answers may make you appreciate plumbing just a bit more. Also the final word on who wiped king's butt. Hint: It wasn't the king.

Nov 27, 2017

Yikes, another few month hiatus, another update on the latest medical treatments for butt issues, from the unfortunate vantage point of our own lives. Also, some poo updates from Jolly Old England, where apparently they have a more healthy relationship with butts - er, bums - than we do here in America.

Mar 29, 2017

After a long hiatus, the Stool Pigeons are back. Life may have gotten in the way of making a podcast, but it didn't stop poop from happening to Mike and Tiffany. In this episode, we break our #1 rule of not making this podcast about us talking about our own poop, but it's good material so it's worth it. Mike talks about...

Mar 25, 2017

Hey all! Sorry we sort of disappeared off the face of the earth for a while. As we prepare to get Stool Pigeons back on your inter-waves, we thought we'd give you this special episode, one that we recorded back in October and never released. In it, we talk about Frankenberry, poop cafes, what happens when you have pets...